Bioenergen is a plant used for processing of biodegradable waste in an environment friendly manner to generate bio-gas. It is seen as the most favored option to deal with organic bio-degradable solid waste, since it enable the generation of a nutrient rich fertilizer and produces fuel in form of bio-gas. It offers an excellent alternative for decentralized processing of solid biogradable waste and avoids the contamination of land-fill sites. Thermax present s a cleaner technology promoting clean Development Mechanism. The units are standardize and are compact in size.
Standard Capacities
250,500, 750 &1000 kg/day kitchen waste processing #Customized Capacities on request
Advantages of Bioenergen
- High biogas yield.
- High Purity methane content.
- Uninterrupted processing without frequent addition of bioinoculant.
- Waste to Energy generation in least processing time.
- Residue can be used as manure.
- Saves the transportation cost of carrying waste to disposal site.
- Saves equivalent amount of fossil fuel.
- Eliminates dumping yard spaces.
- Indirect health benefits - hygienic environment is maintained .
- Eligible for carbon credit.